Dr. Simon Heine

Dr. Simon Heine

Research assistant

+49 7121 271 1441


Building 2, Room 008

  • MicroLungDetect

Since 06/2014

PhD student at the Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology Stuttgart and University of Tübingen
 “Role of aberrant Cyclin D1-CDK4 activity apart from cell cycle in Mantle Cell Lymphoma and consequences for novel treatment options”

09/2011 – 11/2014

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (M. Sc.), University of Applied Sciences Jena
Master thesis: “Role of aberrant Cyclin D1-CDK4 activity apart from cell cycle in Mantle Cell Lymphoma and consequences for novel treatment options” at the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology of the University of Stuttgart

03/2008 – 08/2011

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (B. Sc.), University of Applied Sciences Biberach
Bachelor thesis: “Establishing a production process on the basis of HEK293 suspension cells” at U3 Pharma GmbH München