Environmental Protection (UWS) - MEng

Environmental protection core competences at four universities

Environmental protection concerns us all! The degree programme focuses on cross-sectional topics to train you for a career in municipal, technical, or biological-ecological environmental protection.

  • Application-orientated
    A degree programme closely related to current environmental protection issues.

  • Key qualifications
    In-depth study with a choice of specialisations.

  • Future-orientated
    Protecting soil, water and air as well as the biotic communities that exist there.

Further advantages

  • Four universities, one goal: In this cooperation model, four universities in the greater Stuttgart area contribute their core environmental protection expertise to the programme.
  • Offering additional scientific subjects for career changers and teaching the basics of environmental protection at the start of the programme.
  • Specialisation in applied and interdisciplinary topics relating to the sustainable development of environmental protection. The courses are accompanied by extensive laboratory and practical work.
  • Project work in teams and practical experiments take place in modern laboratories.
  • You will learn about environmental protection from an application-orientated perspective through field trips and on-site seminars. Every year we organise a "major environmental protection excursion" lasting several days.
  • Excellent contacts to first-class partner universities worldwide.
  • Research-related thesis offered in Germany and abroad as well as in partner companies.
  • You have the opportunity to obtain a double degree via a French diploma at ESAIP in Angers, France.
  • Close contacts with industry, research, cities and local authorities and the sound, practically-orientated training form an optimal basis for a successful and future-oriented career in various professional fields.
  • The master's degree gives you access to higher civil service.

We look forward to your application! 

Application still possible until 28 February 2025

Key facts

All facts and figures for your degree programme at a glance

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Admission requirements

Completed Bachelor's degree in natural sciences, engineering or economics

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Language of instruction


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Start of studies

Summer semester: Mid-March
Winter semester: Early October

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Duration of study

4 semesters

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Location of study

Reutlingen, Nürtingen, Esslingen und Stuttgart

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Student Union fee and contribution to administrative costs, dues to student representative organizations

Protection of soil, water, and air

During your studies, you can choose between several specialisation options. Project work and practical experiments in the laboratory or technical centre are carried out in small project teams.

Structure and content

The focus of the degree programme

  • Biological-ecological environmental protection - climate and landscape change and their consequences
  • Municipal environmental protection - fundamentals and technical solutions for wastewater treatment and remediation of contaminated sites
  • QSHE Management - QSHE Systems (Quality - Security - Health - Environment)
  • Industrial environmental technology - goals, strategies and instruments as well as essential basic operations of environmental process engineering
  • International environmental protection - challenges of global environmental protection


1st semester

  • Ecological contexts
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Climate and immission control
  • Scientific methods
  • Environmental management

2nd and 3rd semester

  • Applied Ecology
  • Environmental Informatics
  • Environmental Technology Applications
  • Nature Conservation and Sustainability
  • Circular economy and occupational health and safety
  • Energy and Resources

4th semester

Master's thesis and oral examination

Studierende in Foyer

Studying at the School of Life Sciences

Where will I live, how will I finance my studies and why should I go to Reutlingen?



Your Application

Have you decided on the master's degree programme in Environmental Protection and would like to apply?

Enrolment takes place at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences (HFWU). There you will also find further information on the admission process.

Questions, requests, suggestions?

And after graduation?

As a graduate of the degree programme, you will have in-depth specialist knowledge and a high level of language and social skills. In short: everything you need for challenging tasks in a global working environment.


Student takes water sample

Your qualification profile

As a graduate of the Environmental Protection degree programme, you will have expert knowledge in the fields of municipal, technical and biological-ecological environmental protection.

Student in the lab

Different sectors

Whether you work in the public sector, in trade and industry, in the private sector, or as a freelancer, your knowledge and skills are in demand everywhere.

Student in the lab

Possible fields of work

The master's degree gives you access to the higher civil service in environmental administrations. You will also find employment in environmental and QSHE departments in industry as well as in planning and engineering offices.

PhD student in the lab


Your Master of Engineering degree in Environmental Protection also offers you the best prerequisites for an academic career and a doctorate.

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